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There are a myriad of tips and tricks to entice new customers without spending a fortune. There’s no doubt the traditional channels are important, but they may be costing you money you don’t really need to spend in this digital age. The secret to success rests in the art of getting the mix right.

Steve knows this because he’s done it for his own business and on behalf of his clients. More importantly, though, is that Steve talks to hundreds of professional businesspeople throughout the year.

The thing that astounds him the most is the lack of marketing and communications strategies that businesses have in place to actively and effectively engage with their customers. Even worse are the monitoring processes used to identify what’s working, what isn’t, and how to fix them. With electronic communications and digital media growing exponentially, not tapping into this vital area is a lost opportunity.

People are telling Steve constantly that the one thing they need is an understanding of how to make their communications and marketing efforts work
for them, let alone work harder!

Being able to optimise your efforts is the key. Where to start is often the biggest issue. A consultation with an expert is a good place to begin.

Being able to discuss issues with someone who has decades of marketing experience and senior executive tertiary qualifications is one thing; but finding an expert who’s also started up a small business is another. Steve meets that criteria. The result is a conversation that will contain practical tips and tricks that are realistic and easy to implement.

Recommendations that actually work.

Mar-Comms Business Check up>

Mar-Comms tips and tricks