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With over 20 years experience as a senior manager, Steve has acquired extensive skills, knowledge and expertise across a wide range of businesses and these skills are transferable across many sectors and industries.

Steve holds a number of business degrees including an Executive MBA and Graduate Diploma of Business (AGSM).  He also has a Communications Degree and is a Certified Practicing Marketer (AMAMI).

Steve keeps up-to-date with recent academic literature and lectures at UTS Sydney, ACU, the Australian Graduate School of Management (AGSM) Sydney, Macquarie Graduate School of Management (MGSM) Sydney, Newcastle University (Sydney) and The University of Sydney. Other guest lecturing takes place at Swinburne, RMIT, AFTRS, UNSW, and Charles Sturt University to name a few.

Who is Steve>

Business Qualifications

Steve James Business Qualifications