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About Steve.James Consults

Steve holds a number of business degrees including an ExecutiveMBA and a Graduate Diploma of Management from AGSM in Sydney. Full academic credentials include: BCommun (Media), GradDipMgt, Exec MBA, GradDipEd, DipExecCoaching (AIPC), MMktg (Lecturer) Sydney University, AMAMI CPM.

Steve understands the Advertising, Media and Entertainment sectors well and has worked on a number of extremely high profile local and international projects.

Previously, Steve James was Head of Advertising, Marketing and Research for the commercial radio industry in Australia for over eight years. Prior to that, he held senior management roles with various media institutions. These included ACP Magazines in Sydney; Group Marketing Manager for the Olympic Games; Marketing Manager with News Limited’s Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph; and Marketing Manager for HWT Newspapers in Melbourne.

Steve’s expertise is further valued by some of the country’s leading universities where he is a Lecturer for undergraduate and post-graduate units, such as Masters programs, MBAs, and Executive MBAs. Universities that have trusted Steve with their students so far include AGSM, UTS, Swinburne, RMIT, AFTRS, UNSW, Sydney University and Charles Sturt University. He is currently a member
of the adjunct faculty at UTS, ACU, MGSM and AGSM in Sydney, Newcastle University (Sydney) and The University of Sydney lecturing in Advertising and Marketing, Strategy and Project Management at Under and Post Graduate, Masters, MBA and ExecutiveMBA level.

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